一個好的主從式的應用程式, 應該在使用者輸入時便立即確認其輸入值是否為 valid (可用 VBScript, JScript, JavaScript, PerlScript 等.), 然後才將 確認過的資料後傳至伺服器端處理程式 (如 CGI, ASP 等)。在以下範例中,使用者 可以在郵遞區號內輸入“aaa“,然後按”確定“,網頁會告訴你輸入的郵遞區號必須是數字。
form 原始碼:
<form name=form1 action="vb6.pl"> 郵遞區號: <input type=text name=zip size=5 onBlur="validate(this.form)"> 傳真號碼: <input type=text name=fax size=15> <input type=submit value="確定"> </form>
javascript 原始碼:
<script language="javascript"> function validate(tform1) { // 確保輸入的資料長度為三 if(tform1.zip.value.length != 3) { alert("Please enter a numeric, 3-digit code."); // 既然錯了,強迫再回去輸入 tform1.zip.focus(); } else { // 確保輸入的是數字 if(isNaN(tform1.zip.value)) { alert("Please enter a numeric, 3-digit code."); tform1.zip.focus(); } else { // 確保郵遞區號介於 100 與 999 之間 zip_num = parseInt(tform1.zip.value); if (zip_num > 999 || zip_num < 100 ) { alert("Please enter a numeric, 3-digit code."); tform1.zip.focus(); } } } } </script>
Perl 原始碼:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl require 'forms-lib.pl'; print "content-type: text/html\n\n"; %input = &GetFormInput(); $zip = $input{'zip'} || "402"; $fax = $input{'fax'} || "(04) 3742337"; print <<EndofMessage; <html> <head><title>A Sample Client-Server Application</title></head> <body> <h3 align=center>A Sample Client-Server Application</h3> In this simple application, we use Javascript as the front-end application which is used to validate inputs, and then submit it to the server using CGI. The CGI program is written in Perl. <hr> <center> <table border=1> <tr> <th>Zip Code</th><th>Fax Number</th> </tr> <tr> <td>$zip</td><td>$fax</td> </tr> </table> </center> </body> </html> EndofMessage